YWAM Marine Reach New Zealand

Is YWAM a Cult?

“Cult” is not a title most people want to be associated with. But does it describe YWAM? Find out what actually goes on in YWAM.

Am I Ready For YWAM?

When one stands on the brink of a new adventure, it’s normal to take a deep breath and ask the question: “Am I ready for this?”

Bible Study: Belonging to the Kingdom

Are you looking for a place to belong? Have you ever wondered what is God's Kingdom? Are you longing to belong to the kingdom?

What Makes the Best YWAM DTS Locations?

We think these are 5 core elements that will help you navigate through the hundreds of options available and find the best YWAM DTS location.

How Do I Join YWAM?

Have you ever been interested in going into missions and wondered how do I join YWAM? Well… it’s easy! There are a few options if you are interested in short term or long term missions here at YWAM Marine Reach.

YWAM DTS vs. Bible School – 4 Key Differences

This article examines 4 key differences between a YWAM DTS and a Bible School experience. Whether you're at a crossroads, or you've got the next 5 years planned out, you're gonna want to read this.

Paul The Tentmaker

But what some people don’t know is that Paul didn’t always support himself by making tents, and more importantly, that his motivation was...

Paul The Fundraiser

But what some people don’t know is that Paul didn’t always support himself by making tents, and more importantly, that his motivation was...
