YWAM Marine Reach New Zealand

English Second Language?

Worried about doing a DTS that isn't in your native language? Here is one perspective who went through the same process!

YWAM DTS Lecture Topics

Some of you may be wondering what the different lecture phase topics are. Here is a list we’ve put together that we've found to be the most common.

Trusting God to Provide

Trusting God can be one of the hardest things in your life, but God is faithful! He has always been, you just have to remind yourself of that sometimes!

How To Choose A YWAM DTS

Are you overwhelmed by the huge number of different places to do a DTS around the world? Are you not sure what’s next? This might help you out!

YWAM Medical Missions at Marine Reach

Wondering what medical missions are all about? Here’s is an interview from a formerly Medical Compassion staff sharing her heart behind it.

Our Favourite Places in Tauranga

We thought it would be nice to put together a little list of all of our favourite hangout spots in Tauranga. Maybe they'll be some of yours too!

Leadership & Pioneering Stream

Do you have a call to leadership or a call to pioneer? Do you long to go where no one has gone before? Do you have visions, dreams, and ideas, but don’t know what to do with them? The Leadership & Pioneering DTS is for you!

Prayer & Passion Stream

If you have a love for prayer and the deep intimacy with God it brings, this Stream is for you!

Genuine Worship

"Precisely when you don't feel like worshiping, that is when you must ... that is when your worship becomes genuine."
