YWAM Marine Reach New Zealand
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Leadership & Pioneering Stream

Do you have a call to leadership or a call to pioneer? Do you long to go where no one has gone before? Do you have visions, dreams, and ideas, but don’t know what to do with them? The Leadership & Pioneering DTS is for you!

Prayer & Passion Stream

If you have a love for prayer and the deep intimacy with God it brings, this Stream is for you!

Genuine Worship

"Precisely when you don't feel like worshiping, that is when you must ... that is when your worship becomes genuine."

Journal Entry: Father Heart of God

But I think it was less about what he was saying and more about me experiencing the Father's heart, and God's great love for me.

Living in Community at Marine Reach

Ever wonder what it’s like living in community? What will the rooms be like? We’re here to tell you what housing looks like during your DTS.

YWAM DTS Requirements

What are the requirements for attending a YWAM DTS? Are there any prerequisites for acceptance?

Pilgrimage Stream

If you want to strip away the distractions of life to seek and discover God in His Word and Creation, then the Pilgrimage Stream is designed for you!

How Much Does A YWAM DTS Cost?

One of the first questions you probably want the answer to is how much is this DTS going to cost you. We've got the answer you’re looking for.

Our Chapel

Want to learn about our house of prayer? Here's an interview with one of our founders explaining her heart and the history behind our chapel.

DBS Testimonies

Here are some testimonies from two of our most recent students of what God did through their Discipleship Bible School and how they grew.

YWAM DTS Online: Why We Don’t Do It

Why at Marine Reach do we do onsite discipleship? Why don't we just do a DTS online? Check out the benefits of onsite discipleship here!

What Is A Discipleship Bible School?

Maybe you’re asking, “Okay, I think I’m starting to get the picture, but what is a Discipleship Bible School really all about?”

Our Podcast Tips

Looking for a good podcast tip? Here are our podcast tips. We love helping people on their journey, so here's some giving podcast tips!

How To Write Your Own Psalm

Psalms are a place where you can feel the writers emotion and connection with God. Try writing your own psalm, here an example and testimony.

Is YWAM a Cult?

“Cult” is not a title most people want to be associated with. But does it describe YWAM? Find out what actually goes on in YWAM.

Am I Ready For YWAM?

When one stands on the brink of a new adventure, it’s normal to take a deep breath and ask the question: “Am I ready for this?”

Bible Study: Belonging to the Kingdom

Are you looking for a place to belong? Have you ever wondered what is God's Kingdom? Are you longing to belong to the kingdom?

What Makes the Best YWAM DTS Locations?

We think these are 5 core elements that will help you navigate through the hundreds of options available and find the best YWAM DTS location.

How Do I Join YWAM?

Have you ever been interested in going into missions and wondered how do I join YWAM? Well… it’s easy! There are a few options if you are interested in short term or long term missions here at YWAM Marine Reach.

YWAM DTS vs. Bible School – 4 Key Differences

This article examines 4 key differences between a YWAM DTS and a Bible School experience. Whether you're at a crossroads, or you've got the next 5 years planned out, you're gonna want to read this.

Paul The Tentmaker

But what some people don’t know is that Paul didn’t always support himself by making tents, and more importantly, that his motivation was...

Paul The Fundraiser

But what some people don’t know is that Paul didn’t always support himself by making tents, and more importantly, that his motivation was...

What Denomination Is YWAM?

So what denomination is YWAM? Where does it fall on the seemingly endless spectrum of Christian doctrine and theology? What can you expect when you attend a YWAM DTS (Discipleship Training School)?

Classic Stream

Jesus invites you to be a disciple and to make disciples! Join the Classic Stream at Marine Reach. Be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission!

BREAKING NEWS: A New Name for Marine Reach

After over 30 years of serving the isolated coastal communities of the South Pacific as Marine Reach, we're excited to announce we are changing our name to Pacific Reach!
